3 insurance to protect your daily life

Nobody n every day’is at L’shelter D’a domestic accident or D’damage caused by a third party. In the same way, we are all likely to cause prejudice to a loved one, a colleague, a client or a stranger. The subscription of’insurance is a great way to cover potential risks before’they do not occur.

Domestic, DIY, leisure, sports, school accidents ? Subscribe insurance also protects you personally, in addition to protecting your family and preserving your loved ones. What insurance do you have to subscribe to protect your daily life ?

Subscribe insurance against accidents in everyday life

Did you know that every year, one in two home is a victim of’A current accident ? VS’is precisely the reason for’to be D’Insurance against accidents in everyday life.

Insurance against accidents in everyday life: what advantages ?

L’Insurance against accidents in everyday life provides Practical and financial support solutions. More concretely, s’ensure against a bodily accident of everyday life, c’is to benefit from services of’assistance. If you are immobilized after’An accident, for example, the company can take over to keep children, prepare meals and clean up.

If your child is immobilized, the’insurance can set up home lessons provided by an educational assistant.

Services D’assistance offered to you are to make your life easier after an accident. To that s’Add financial solutions that involve:

  • reimbursement of health costs or’hospitalization linked to the’accident,
  • travel expenses,
  • The costs D’household aid,
  • Funding for home improvements and equipment,
  • I’compensation for any psychological and social support.

In the event of death, the payment of’Capital to your loved ones comes s’add to list.

Current life accident insurance

Insurance against accidents in everyday life: the characteristics

Like his name L’Indicates, insurance against accidents in everyday life is insurance that covers current accidents that can arrive at home,’school, in public places, during a sporting activity… Concretely, he s’ACT D’a contract’body insurance which covers the consequences of’an accident in everyday life such as:

  • A fall in the’stairs,
  • A gardening or DIY accident,
  • an accident during the practice of’a sport or d’a hobby,
  • A immobilization of several weeks,
  • a plaster, a fracture or other,
  • Hospitalization,
  • medical accidents,
  • natural disasters.

Note that the list is not exhaustive.

Take insurance to protect your animals

You have one or more pets ? It is more prudent to take out pet assurance. As with you, such insurance can cover your pet in the event of a health problem or’accident.

Why take out insurance to protect your pet ?

Animals, just like human beings, can fall sick or be victims of’accident. In 10 years, veterinary costs have increased by more than 72 %. For face these often high veterinary care, It would therefore be preferable to take out health insurance for your pet. Several insurances offer D’elsewhere the management of the health of your pet.

However, finding an advantageous formula for your pet will not be an easy task.

L’Tip is simple: Take the time to compare the services and guarantees offered by the various providers. It is even possible for you’Use a comparator D’online insurance. In this way, you will not only find the most advantageous price, but also the best offer of’Insurance for your pets.

What support for your dog or cat ?

Animal health insurance supports’integrality or part of the health costs linked to the health of your pet. This includes The visit to the veterinarian, the’Purchase of drugs and L’hospitalization. Of course, the latter must fulfill certain conditions:

  • be in’at least 3 months and no more than 8 years at the time of subscription,
  • belong to a certain breed (certain breeds are more fragile than’others d’a healthy point of view).

According to’Insurance chosen, you can benefit from’a reimbursement of health care going up to’70 %. If your pet comes from’be a victim’a serious accident or suffers from’a chronic disease, the’Animal health insurance can also reimburse the visit costs as well as the various treatments.

insurance to protect your daily life

Think about the’life insurance to help your loved ones

Personally, L’life insurance constitutes a product of’savings allowing’insure l’future of your loved ones. Technically, L’life insurance offers you the possibility of constituting savings that will be transmitted to the designated beneficiaries in case of death. As an subscriber, you can designate your loved ones freely as beneficiaries of your life insurance without having to subject them to the right of inheritance.

Why take out life insurance ?

L’life insurance allows you to benefit from several advantages. In the long term, you can for example constitute a capital. After a few years, you can close the contract and withdraw the’deposited money.

In addition, L’life insurance constitutes Additional income Once retired via regular withdrawals.

What amount to help your loved ones ?

The subscription of’life insurance is undeniably the best way to transmit capital. The reason is simple: depending on the formula you have chosen, you can benefit from’important tax abuses. If you subscribe for example a contract before 70 years, the’tax reduction s’will assess until’at 152,500 euros by considering the interests and capital gains generated by your payments.

Obviously, you have to look at the company with whom you are going to take out your life insurance. Beforehand, find out about the characteristics of the formulas proposed by the’insurer. Likewise, find an insurer whose services comply with your needs and expectations.

Even if the contract’life insurance is most often managed by an insurer, nothing prevents you from Turn to a broker, an agent, a bank or an association of’savers.