How to know if you have a vitamin C deficiency ?
Vitamin C plays a vital role in the body. If in mammals, this nutrient is produced naturally by the body, humans, on the other hand, need to consume a certain number of foods, especially fruits and vegetables to benefit from its benefits in the body. Indeed, vitamin C contributes to the elimination of fats, the solidification of bones allows a good assimilation of iron by the body, etc.
When the required daily consumption level is not reached, a vitamin C deficiency manifests itself in the individual, creating a number of consequences on the well-being of the latter.
What’does vitamin c ?
Also called ascorbic acid, vitamin C is a very important nutrient for the functioning of the body, which dissolves in water (water-soluble). As soon as the body absorbs the elements it needs, the rest is directly eliminated through the urine. A vitamin C deficiency affects both the internal and external aspect of the body, which is why it is important to consume the required dose to allow normal functioning of the body. Thus, vitamin C plays several roles, namely:
- Facilitates the absorption of iron by the body and more specifically non-heme iron from dairy products and plants.
- Contributes to the protection of cells from free radicals
- Solidifies blood vessels, bones and cartilage
How does a vitamin C deficiency manifest itself? ?
Several symptoms can detect a vitamin C deficiency. These include, among others:
- Asthenia which results in a general and permanent state of fatigue
- Difficulty healing wounds
- A failure of the immune system: a lack of vitamin C in the body weakens our red blood cells and thus makes the body vulnerable to diseases such as flu, colds, etc.
- Repetitive respiratory infections that can get worse and which, over time, are difficult to heal.
- An appearance of muscle and joint pain due to the fact that the lack of vitamin C has not allowed the bones and muscles to benefit from the proteins necessary for their resistance. The affected individual is often prone to muscle tears and inflammation.
For the most serious cases, the vitamin C deficiency can cause bleeding from the nose and gums as the blood vessels have become very fragile due to lack of the necessary nutrient to function normally. Some people pay the price to the point of losing their hair. What could lead to the disease called Scurvy.
What Causes Vitamin C Deficiency ?
It is clear that eating fruits and vegetables a day fights all kinds of deficiency, but it is important that these fruits are fresh. Indeed, when the latter lose their vitamin content for having spent days in conservation before being consumed, one can still be subject to a nutritional deficiency. Thus, in addition to the fact that a deficiency is attributed to the consumption of foods containing the required nutrients, there is also the poor preservation of these foods consumed.
Another source of vitamin C deficiency is following a very strict diet. Finally, some digestive diseases can also be at the root of a vitamin C deficiency.
How to cure a vitamin deficiency ?
For the prevention as the cure of a vitamin C deficiency, the precautions to be taken are as follows:
- Favor foods rich in vitamin C: these include fruits and vegetables such as oranges, grapefruit, lemon; parsley; cherries, strawberries, tomato and others. It is advisable to consume five a day and to have faster results, they must be consumed on an empty stomach.
- Avoid being subject to stress: take time to rest and relax as much as possible, because when the body is constantly under stress, it is difficult for it to assimilate vitamin C.
For the most severe cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist in order to benefit from the required treatments.